
Thursday, October 16, 2008

A favor to ask

Greetings all! I had a favor to ask of you! =) We don't mind at all if you post a comment anonymously (meaning that you don't have a blog we can link to) but please post your name in your comment! It helps all feel like friends here and it's nice to know who browses our blog!

Thank you for helping us out in this way!
Blessings to you all and I pray you have a lovely week!

P.S. I should let you all know that you need to check back here VERY soon as I have something quite fun to post about! I'm doing this in order to put you all in suspense! =) I hope it works! LOL! Oh, and if some of you know what the post is going to be about you had better not say a word to give it away! =) Shhhhhhhh...

Photo by Benjamin


Amber D.M. said...


Anonymous said...

Oh! Are you going to te...never mind... ;) I promied I wouldn't say anything.
From A. Nonnie Mouse
(-"HOLY COW!!!");) haha! I just had to!

Unknown said...

Oh! Oh! I am soooooo, so, so excited Amber! I can barely contain myself every time I think of it. Can you believe it??? I can't wait to see your upcoming post. ;-)

An overly excited,


Anonymous said...

Ohhh...Ohhh *flings arm into the air!* PICK ME! PICK ME!!! I know....are you going to tell all th... LoL...Yeppers I know however I won't tell! Prmoise, however I am very much looking forward to *reading this exciting post!* Thanks for keeping us ALL updated. have a most wonderful day. Blessings to you all..
Megan Marie

Anonymous said...

Hi Amber:

Great pictures. It's such a joy to be able to see the progress as your family is growing up, and to see the progress on the house too.

We miss seeing you all.
Love ya,
Angie & Mike (Quartzsite, AZ)

Amber said...

Just so you all know A. Nonnie Mouse DID sign her name by her "Holy cow" comment! LOL! It's an inside joke so you all know!

The new post is coming soon! =) Truly!

Anonymous said...

The house looks awesome!
I want to come down there some time!

Good work. :)

-David P.