
Monday, May 21, 2012

2 Girls + Chicks = FUN

Extreme cuteness in the content of this blog.  Prepare yourself...

Molly, happily playing with her chick,

and Emma is having the time of her life despite the intense look on her face.  She was determined to get the chicks out of the corner and put into the grass and she accomplished her task with the help of Lydia.

"Here Molly, have another one!"


"Here chickie chickie."


"Wait!  Come back!"

"I'll help you Emma."

"I'm coming"

"Here Molly..."

" can have mine."

"Oops!  Don't drop her!"

"You have something on your nose.  Hold still!"

"Really, hold still!"


"Come back here!"

"No you don't!"

"Ha!  I got you!"

"Whew, that was close!"

"Good chickie!"


"This is sooooo fun!"

"Wait!  Don't wiggle..."

"There, now you can't get away!"


Finally, they both have one.

Molly - "I'm SO happy!!!!"

Emma - "Gooood Chickie!"

*Mirror image*

Molly - "Come on Chickie, DANCE!!!!!"

"Whoa!  I didn't say fly!"

"There, gotcha again!"


Emma being gentle.

"Oops!  Calm down Chickie!"

"Calm down!"

"There!"  All is right with the world!

Disclaimer: No chicks or girls were harmed in the making of this blog post.  There were only minor injuries such as: 2 scratches on girls and 23 loose feathers seen floating around after shooting this weeks episode of "2 Girls and the Chicks"


Eden said...

Awwee! Those two are too cute! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh SOOO cute!!!! Love these pictures!!!!
What kind of chickens are they? What a sweet peek into the life of these girls. <3

Bisceglia Family said...

Aww, Amber! So sweet! Thanks for all these posts. :)
