This post is LONG overdue but I haven't forgotten to take and post pictures of our home after 14 months of building and almost 2 years of decorating! The house finally feels mostly done, at least as far as decorating goes. It's felt done as far as building goes for some time now. The only thing left to do is to install the doorbell!
Christmast time is such a special time to enjoy celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ with friends and family. I thought there would be no better time to take pictures of our home than during this special time and post them for you all to see!

This is part of the living room but we call it the piano room. Off to the right is the powder room door.

The main part of the living room where we spend lots of time together as a family and with friends.

Swiveling around I took a picture of the dining room. Dad built the table out of 100 year old barn wood! See more pictures HERE The kitchen is off to the right and the entryway to the left.

There is the kitchen where we spend MANY hours not just cooking and cleaning but fellowshipping as well! The door down the hall leads to Grandpa's home.

Then to the right of the kitchen is the laundry room and mudroom.

Looking at the stairwell in the entryway from the dining room.

The front door where we enjoy greeting guests and hopefully, you some day!

Up the stairs from the front door.

The pantry and the favorite room in the least we think it's our favorite! It's right on the other side of the kitchen and very easy to get to during busy meal preparations.

I'm standing in the hallway that leads to Grandpa's house and the pantry, looking toward the island and dining room. You can see the office/schoolroom through the entryway. The only pictures I got of it were not presentable so they will come later!

The mudroom cubicles...Dad built those! As you can see, they are heavily used!

Now we're upstairs looking down.

The upstairs family room where we read or play noisy games with friends! Those stairs go up to the attic and the door to the right is the linen closet.

This is the "hall", I guess, since all the doors to the bedrooms are here. (The door to the far left is the linen closet.) The first door on the right is the main bathroom, aka the girls bathroom, and the next door is the girls bedroom.
Another view of the Hall.

The girls room!

Another view

Looking back at the door. The door on the right is the the closet door.
The main bathroom vanity.
Another vanity across from the sinks.
This one is pretty self explanatory!

The master bedroom

The master closet door and sitting area.

The bathroom.

The guest room/sewing room. My favorite room in the house! I spend lots of time sewing!

Another view!

I just had to throw this one in! Great-grandpa enjoying great-granddaughter! So sweet!
Love it, love it, love it! :D
I LOVE your new home! The layouts, the color schemes, and the way y'all decorate. So homey and inviting! Thanks for sharing :D
You have such a wonderful house!! You are so blessed! Especially with your beutiful neices :)
My sister and I would really love to meet you someday lol ;) We feel pretty much like we know you from the fairchild films and your blogs!
Melinda Haak
PS. if you're on facebook I'd love to be friends with ya'll. Just look me up :D
OH MY GOODNESS... your home is positively GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! I LOVE, LOVE it!!! :-D
Your home is so warm looking. What a blessing to have it while everyone is still young and around to share in it. We need to get together soon, and we should definitely do it at YOUR place!
Your home is so beautiful and I feel at home in it (so to speak). I've been thinking of painting the rest of my home in the yellow tones and really like your color scheme is there anyway you could share the paint colors you used. I would greatly appreciate it. :-)
Wow, what a beautiful house! It looks like something out of a decorating catalogue!! :)
These pictures bring back so many memories, Amber! Seeing the photo tour of your home was almost like re-living the real tour I had in 2009! :) ...except that all the rooms are completely finished now. :) You all have done such a wonderful job! My favorite part is hearing how and where you found all your decorating items-- you ladies are so thrifty! It inspires me. :) Miss you dears!!
Would you please come over to our home and help me set up the girls' room here???
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