They have about 2/3 of the bottom floor done!
I just had to throw this in! Normally her hair is done and cute, but today....well... it wasn't! She even went to the store with dad like that! All the way to the store she talked and talked. In the store she talked and on the way home she talked! She loves to jabber! Her vocabulary is growing tremendously! On the way home tonight she yelled, "Honk Dad, HONK!" I'm not really sure why she had a sudden urge to have dad honk the horn but she did! Tonight she helped me pick up garbage. She is a great helper and it makes her very happy to be working along side us. There she was, pulling her box around, asking "This?" "Yes, throw that away." "Otay!" Then she had to comment on each piece!
Anyway, hope you had a lovely day and thanks for dropping by!
Hurray for siding!!!!!!! I adore the color too. There's a house here in town that they recently refurbished. They used practically (if not!) the exact same color for their siding. I've always admired how fresh and clean it looked. How delightful to see it on your house as well. I'm sure seeing it on the house is giving you an even greater itch to move in.
Praying for you as you continue to literally build memories together in your new home. *hugs*
Oh my goodness! Just move in now! looks like you can anyway. Beautiful!
Lydia looks so grown up! I can't wait to see how much she (and everyone) has grown! Only 5 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love that last picture of Lydia!
The house really looks so lovely ! almost like you could me in now:D
Wowee!!! It's looking GREAT!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! HOORAY!!!!! EXCITING!!!!
Hmm...I see DAVID in one of those pictures! You really should post some more pictures of him. ;)
Can't wait to see you all SOON!!!!!!! Hugs!
Your house is coming along nicely. The siding is a beautiful color. Is this the house for your family, or for David and Keslie?
The house is for our family, not for David and Keslie, though we anticipate having them over often after we move in! We are building the house with my grandpa in order to help him take care of my grandma who is in the beginning of the later stages of Alzheimer's. We're blessed to be able to care for her though it hasn't been easy. We love our grandparents and are thankful that we can honor them and God by caring for them in their time of need. Having them right next door to us will make it much easier to help grandpa take care of her.
Thank you all for the nice comments!
I'm surprised Keslie will let David use any power tools anymore......Rebecca was close to forbidding Andrew (her fiancee) to touch power tools during their engagement because in his excitement, he was so distracted, he was always hurting himself. In the end, she decided she'd have to let him use them any pray really hard, because as a carpenter, he's rarely seen without some sort of power tool in hand!! She didn't want to put him out of work for their 7 week engagement!! :)
Your house looks great-- what an exciting time!! :)
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