
Monday, October 15, 2007

Night at the Museum Ball

A night of dancing once again was delightful! On Saturday afternoon, Oct. 13th David drove Grandma, Heather, T'awna, Taylor and I 1 1/2 hours to a ball and we had a ball! Mr. C was so kind and brought Keslie, Kami and their friends Sarah and David W. They drove about 3 1/2 hours one way. We were so glad to have them there and were thankful to see them for what seemed a short time.
The evening was filled with fun, fellowship, food, dancing, photo shoots, and clicking cameras. Wonderful evening such as this are sad to see come to an end. But it did and too soon at that. But here are some pictures I thought you might enjoy looking at!


We had so much fun watching the loggers doing their work. It was fascinating!
Here is the link to the logging album:

Our Property! God is good!

I feel so bad that I have not posted many pictures of the property but it would take too long to post the ones I want. Trying to pick a few has been so difficult that I gave up and found a better way to show all our friends the pictures. The link below will take you to the ones we have taken thus far.
